Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Labour Day Long Weekend

The Gruenwald household had a full weekend.

First notable change in the weather.  We turned the furnace back on.

Friday night we had a last hurrah with our nephew.  I picked him up after work and I took him to get his first bank account.  I felt privileged to be able to do this with him.  (As Will and I will never have children of our own**, we are delighted when we get to experience some parental things with our nephew.)  Then we got pizza and watched The Martian on Netflix.  It was a short overnight visit, but we had a great time.  He's getting so big - grade 10 this year.  Our little punk is not so little anymore. 

Before I took him home on Saturday, he helped me get my game on.  I used to play Halo all the time.  I belonged to a clan, I even took part in a tournament.  While I still enjoy video games, I have too many other things to do (and want to do).  So I haven't played very much in the last few years.  But I recently got the Xbox One, and it came with Halo 5.  Ethan has logged a bajillon hours playing it, so he helped me learn the controls quickly.  I forgot how much I enjoy the Halo-universe. 

Will rushed out in the morning to get some bee work done.  But he arrived home in time to get cleaned up, and we headed out to see my cousin's daughter get married.  What a delightful wedding.  The weather held out.  Though it threatened rain, it didn't unleash.  The venue was the most adorable little heritage church in Clayburn Village, and the reception was in the old schoolhouse across the street.  I had been to the schoolhouse for a wedding reception before, but this was the first time in the church.  The bride was, as expected, radiant and beautiful.  They are such a wonderful couple, and I am exceedingly happy for them and hopeful for their future.  As a gift, we supplied them with the honey for their wedding favours that turned out so adorable.

Sunday my father stopped in for the night on his way to a job site on Vancouver Island.  Before he arrived I wanted to get the kitchen in order.  I'm still not done canning for the season, but having a guest, I wanted it all put away so we could eat at the table and not trip over my stacks of canning paraphernalia.  I built another storage shelf I had purchased, and quickly filled it.  Broke down all the excess cardboard boxes, and gave the table a wipe down.  I vacuumed the house and did the few dishes in the sink.  By the time he arrived, I was feeling good about having a guest.  Will was out in the beeyards, so dad and I headed out for a quick lunch and picked up supplies to make supper.  When we got back, we were both tired, so we both closed our eyes for a quick nap.  I made a scrumptious ham and scalloped potatoes (and cauliflower au gratin for dad who is avoiding potatoes).  We watched the first episode of BBC Sherlock and then called it a night.  (We've watched the series before - but dad has never seen it.)

Monday was a day off, and boy did I take advantage of doing nothing.  Dad left fairly early, and Will left shortly thereafter to do more beework.  I spent the morning playing on my phone and hooked up with an old Xbox friend and we played some Halo together for a while.  Then I wanted to do more housework but instead I had a glorious 2 hour nap.  When Will arrived home, we decided to get some take out for dinner and watch Sherlock while he rolled his cigarettes.  I had intended to start a knitting project, but ended up with an attention needy cat on my lap.  Not that I mind.  Our old girl is pretty precious to us.  (She'll be 19 this November.)  Since she has no teeth left her tongue often slips out of her mouth.  It's adorable.  (But I push it back in, I wouldn't want it to dry out.)

Will has continued to work every single day, as is par for the course during the summer months of beekeeping.  He's definitely feeling the pinch of summer ending the need to get the girls bedded down for winter.  If you're curious to know more about our beekeeping operation, Will posts updates on our Facebook page.  Feel free to check us out at Chillardbee's Apiaries.
And there you have it friends.

Mrs B

Social Media Links:
Facebook: charity.gruenwald
Twitter: @cgruenwald
Instagram: nicaoidh77
Pinterest: nicaoidh77
Snapchat: MrsBeekeeper

** Someday I will make a post about us not having children.