Monday, August 29, 2016

Re-Arrange: Living Room

I am working on some canning posts, but they're not ready for you yet.  So, in the meantime, here's a peek at my weekend:

Will had a very busy schedule.  He was bringing honey in from the mountains all weekend.  He did 2 days of double runs, so I hardly saw him.

Friday, after work, I had a very frustrating commute home.  It should only take 30 minutes to get home, and while the freeway was indeed a mess, I skirted my way around and made it home in 45 minutes.  But before pulling into my driveway, I remembered I had to run to the store.  That should have only taken me 15 minutes, but it took me 45 because of all traffic, pedestrians and people blocking my paths in the store.  I couldn't even get into my local store.  I went there, but some festival was taking place and there were zero parking spots.  I had to wind my way through people and narrow streets to another store where, inside, people kept cutting me off and standing / blocking the aisles.  I was super cranky when I got home.  But I didn't have time to sit and pout because I had a coffee date at 7pm with my Mandy.  I quickly made a wrap with a rotisserie chicken I picked up and then packed up my spare spinning wheel (to lend to someone - who I met up with later that night at 9pm).  Had a very nice coffee time, and when I got home, I went pretty much straight to bed.

I got up early on saturday so that I could see Will for a few minutes before he left for the day.  By 730, I was in the kitchen scrubbing my stove range.  I wasn't going to do so until canning season is complete, but I was getting irritated with how grungy it was.  That took me a good hour.  Then after a quick break, I decided to clean and re-arrange the livingroom.  I have been planning on it for a while, but keep running out of energy.  Not only was it arranged in a way I was bored with, it had become a  giant mess.

A note about sharing things about my house:
I am trying very hard not to belittle my house.  It's where I live, and work (my "other" jobs), and have a loving relationship with my wonderful husband.  It's in disrepair, and we do not have plans to put money into it.  Because we have other plans for our money and efforts.  So please keep in mind when I share photos of my home, it is not fancy, it's not what most people aspire to live in.  But it is full of love and restful peace.  And I'm ok with that.  :)

I have said before, and will again, I have very little in the way of places to store things in my house, so things get piled up pretty quickly.  

In the above photo, I had two giant empty storage totes, that are intended to house my gardening supplies outside, but outside is too busy to organize just now.  The garden is being torn down for the season, and the honey crop is coming in, so for now, these empty totes just get wheeled around the house.  It's annoying, but will be dealt with soon enough.

There were also 2 stacks of pails that needed to be removed, and since it's cooling down now, I was able to remove the air conditioner.  There was a bunch of tobacco processing stuff that really has no other home, so I had to work their storage into my new livingroom set up.

I used a free online, non-downloaded, browser interactive 3D layout designer to build a few different configurations of my space and the furniture I needed to fit into it before I decided on a layout and then I didn't have to move furniture needlessly.  There are a few of them out there, but this is the one I used:  Room Styler.

First, I removed the bulky items that didn't belong.  Then I stacked all Will's hobby stuff (tobacco) on his sofa, and all my hobby stuff (knitting) onto my chair.  Then I got out the vacuum and started moving furniture around and vacuuming.  Mid-way through, here's a look from my new spot.

I didn't have to move the china cabinet or the guitars, which was nice.  I have to keep my cheese fridge in the living room, there really is just no other place for it.  (PS - My Parmesan is almost ready to eat!  It's 6 months old now, and at 7 it's ready.)

I moved the DVD / video game shelf to create a room divider, and it's facing the computer desk.  I backed it with the TV.  This created a nice separation between the living area, and the computer area.  But being short in height doesn't close in the room.

There is space by the lamp beside the sofa where I ended up putting some of Will's tobacco supplies.  You can't see it from the entry way, and it's frequently used, so it needs to be where Will can get to it.

I left space in front of the bay window for the upcoming Christmas season so the tree already has a spot established.

I sit diagonally in the corner so I can see out the bay window, and see to the front door to observe the cat go in and out.  (Or random cats come in ... like that sneaky little grey cat who got in this weekend.  Gave my old girl a big ole puffy tail.  Imagine being mostly deaf, toothless and sleeping peacefully, when a stranger enters your space.  The little grey was not aggressive, just lost and bewildered, and looking for a snack.  We got him out peacefully and Acers got lots of pets and praise for being a good protector.)

This layout is nice for visiting too, freeing up the captains chair for a fourth seat - all facing each other.  Which got tested out immediately.  Half way through cleaning, my mom and Jim came to visit and Will arrived home for 10 minutes between his trips.  So we all sat and visited and it was quite nice.  There is room to add the 4 kitchen chairs if I have need with additional visitors at Christmas.

After their visit, I finished cleaning up the desk, and arranged all the cables for internet and the xbox's.

I still have some dusting to do, and need to take the curtains down for a wash, but I'm very pleased with this new layout.

Oh! And I found a book I thought I had lost.  It was in the far corner under the china cabinet that I never vacuum.  I'm very excited because it's the 2nd in a set of 3 of my favorite book series, that I've been longing to re-read.

After Will got home, we relaxed in our newly arranged space and watched The Sum of All Fears.

Sunday was a very chill day for me.  I was pretty sore from Saturdays' events, and after Will left to do more honey runs, I just watched YouTube videos and had a morning nap.  I got up to see Will when he was home in between runs, and then spun wool for the afternoon.

By the time Will was home for the night, I had already eaten dinner, and so he had a bite to eat, and we were in bed by 9pm.

It was a busy weekend, but it was good.

And there you have it friends.

Mrs B

Social Media Links:
Facebook: charity.gruenwald
Twitter: @cgruenwald
Instagram: nicaoidh77
Pinterest: nicaoidh77
Snapchat: MrsBeekeeper

1 comment:

  1. A home is more than the building yoy live in. It is the place where family spend time together. It is a safe haven from the pressures of the outside world. It is a space where people relax, create and socialize. If it also filled with love, then it is beautiful!
