Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Welcome to Mrs BeeKeeper's Home Spun Blog

Welcome to Mrs BeeKeeper's Home Spun Blog!

Home Spun is a term for yarn making, but here I am using it for anything you make yourself.  (Thank you Bonnie for the great blog name suggestion!)

For as long as I can remember I've been eager to learn about how things are made, and how to replace store bought items for homemade items.  Sometimes my brain does not save this for convenient timing.

Having a serious conversation with a friend 20 years ago: 
"What are you thinking about right now?"
"How to make BBQ sauce."
<friend rolls eyes at me>

The age of the internet has made this so much more attainable. While I'm certainly not old, I did grow up before the internet.  The advantage of now having information at my fingertips is astronomical.  While I still need to sift through and vet my sources, it is so easy to find how to do things now.  (Gotta love that Pinterest!)

I like to think that I have developed a balanced relationship with technology.  I love it, and fully immerse myself in its convenience, but I also want to know that if for any reason it stops functioning, that I can still provide for myself and my family.

I don't always continue making something from scratch once I've learned how to do it.  Case in point, laundry soap.  I made it for a while, but have stopped.  Mostly because I haven't yet made my own bar soap (which is on the list to do), and most recipes for laundry soap call for you to start with bar soap.  If I'm buying bar soap, I might as well just buy my laundry soap.

I'm not sure what the plan is for this blog.  I'm open for suggestions, and would love to see comments that you stopped by and took the time to read it.  :)

For now, I'll leave this as a brief introduction, and say thanks for stopping by.

Mrs B

Social Media Links:
Facebook: charity.gruenwald
Twitter: @cgruenwald
Instagram: nicaoidh77
Pinterest: nicaoidh77
Snapchat: MrsBeekeeper


  1. Great first blog Mrs. B! Look forward to more!

  2. So fun! You should talk about the first things you've ever grown, made, pickled etc and help those of us who find this completely daunting and overwhelming understand the process :)

  3. I'm so excited! I love it!!! <3
    Can I get a good garlic dill fridge pickle recipe?

    1. I can find one that looks good, but I always do a water bath canned pickle. I don't have enough room to do fridge pickles. I'll post it when I blog about my pickle making.
